If a provider doesn't like their Choose Well Score, based on a factual error, the provider can appeal their Choose Well Score. The procedure, approved by the County is reproduced here.
I. Purpose
The purpose of the Choose Well Appeal Procedure is to provide a forum for volunteer Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFEs) to dispute a facility rating received by the RCFE using the established Choose Well scoring methods.
II. Choose Well Appeal Committee
Appeals of a facility rating will be heard by The Choose Well Appeal Committee. The Committee will be made up of not less than three, and not more than five self-nominated individuals in the following numbers: 1 CARR staff, 2 consumers from the Advisory Workgroup, and 2 providers from the Advisory Workgroup. This subset of the Advisory Workgroup will be called the Choose Well Appeal Committee.
III. Appeal Statement
If the licensee believes that a citation used in the Choose Well calculations and facility score is factually inaccurate, the licensee may submit the issue to the Choose Well Appeal Committee. Written requests for appeal will be submitted to the Choose Well program staff, which will in turn disseminate the information to the Choose Well Appeal Committee. The Appeal statement will include a) a statement of the dispute, b) documents that propose to correct the error, and c) any other information that the facility believes may assist the Choose Well Appeal Committee.
IV. Choose Well Timelines
VI. Policy Revision
This Choose Well Appeal Procedure may be changed from time to time, at the direction of the County of San Diego, AIS.
COSD Approved 6/7/2016